All Of Me by Karen Kalata

Welcome and here you will enjoy a collection of articles all related to mental health and wellness. I have lived with a chronic mental illness for over 35 years and have spent years worth of time researching and studying about my condition. Now it’s my hope that I can present some of my research to you to aid and assist your life in whatever way I can.

Understanding Social Security Disability Insurance

Social Security Disability Insurance is a Federal Insurance Program for people who have a documented disability or become disabled at some point during their lives. The program was put into place for all men, women and children who qualify for the monthly benefit.

What it is, is a monthly payment and Medicare insurance that a person will receive after their application is approved. It is because of a mental or physical disability that limits or ends that person’s ability to work to support themselves. The monthly payment helps with food, clothing and shelter for the person to maintain their lives.

The disability must be expected to last for longer than one year and it’s an earned benefit based on how many credits the person has accumulated over their years of working. It also varies depending on your age and when you became disabiled.

Who Is Social Security Disability For

Social Security Disability Insurance is for any man, woman or child who needs it. They must first apply for disability benefits, and the wait time is 6 to 8 months before you can get approved. Many people who apply don’t get approved the first time around. If you do not, you can reapply or seek out the help of an attorney.

Large in part, it’s your working years that secure you having this benefit. And it’s without a doubt an Insurance Program put into place for you to secure your position socially. This is so you can support yourself, even if you cannot work do to an illness or injury,.

The amount of money you will receive is set forth by the administration and depends on a few different factors. Mainly the amount of money that you have earned during your working years plays a significant role. There are also different metrics that the Administration uses to determine your monthly benefit.

More information about Social Security Disability can be obtained by doing a search online, the Social Security Administration’s Website or by calling the Administration directly with your questions.

The Benefits of Being On Social Security Disability

The biggest benefit of being on the program is that you have a monthly payment of cash coming in each and every month on your pay date..This money can be used for food, clothing or shelter to support you since your disability prevents you from being able to support yourself financially.

Even if your benefit is small starting out there is hope. You may additionally qualify for Supplemental Security Income, Medicaid and food stamps. Also each year, there is a COLA adjustment. Which is Cost Of Living Adjustment or an increase in the monthly amount of money you will receive.

In your later years, you may work with your state Vocational Rehabilitation office to go back to work part time to earn additional money. You have the Ticket To Work and Self Sufficientcy Progam or you can earn less than the Substational Gainful amount and simply work less than full time for extra money that you may need.

It’s actually a very good program, and you may be entitled to other programs so do ask questions, evaluate what your needs are. And if necessary seek out additional help.